Monday, April 27, 2009

Road Trip

We took a road trip to Utah for Starla's BYU graduation. We stayed with our good friends the Pearson's who spoiled us rotten. We had a blast!!

Graduation fun
We got to hear Elder Nelson and Elder Uchtdorf at graduation
Great job Starla, you did it. Go cougars!!!
Here are some pictures of our fun with the Pearson's. I am sad we never got a group shot. We will have to save that for next time Christina!

OK, Pearson's whenever you are ready to come back to California it is our turn to spoil you. Thanks again for everything. We love you!!


Stina said...

We do need to get a group picture--next time for sure. Tell Trevor that "the 4-year-old" and "the girl" loved playing with him. Thanks for including us in your vacation plans!

Emily said...

What a fun trip!!! Looks like you guys had fun!

bladhfamily said...

Heidi told me that you guys moved to Lake Elsinore. I was over at Kati Bruer's house yesterday and she said you are in her ward. I've met several people there and it seems like a fun ward. How did the driving go.Josh will never go to Utah because he doesn't want to drive that far with kids.

Unknown said...

WOW! Who knew we were in the same room. My sister graduated from BYU also that day.