Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Well, we have been gone on a family vacation (pictures coming soon) and then a quick trip to Arizona has keep me from blogging, but we are back now and ready to blog. While I was gone I was tagged to tell six random things about myself so here it goes.
1. I love the color can't tell by this blog can you. Also my prom dress was red, our wedding colors were red, and we painted a wall in our house red. Red is also Eric and Trevor's favorite color. It must be a family thing. We will have to see if Hunter loves red too.
2. I am not creative/crafty at all. I just wasn't born with a creative bone in my body. However I am a good copier. So I can copy something that is cute and crafty, but could never come up with it on my own. Even when I am copying something I am still craft challenged.
3. My biggest hobby is EATING. I love food, especially when I don't have to make it. I get so excited over the simplest foods.
4. I love working out. I had to make going to the gym a hobby so I could keep my hobby of eating and lucky for me I have come to love it. I work out so I can eat out. I know I am crazy!
5. I do not like animals. I don't hate them, but I could totally live without them. I know we will have a dog one day, but what am I going to do when my boys start asking for other pets. I just hope they will be happy with a fish, because I don't think I will be able to handle anything other than that. Just thinking about it makes me nervous.
6. I love living close by family. A few years ago Eric and I had all of our family within 20 minutes of each other (Besides Starla at BYU), but them my mom and sister had to go and move to Arizona. But, we still have a ton of family close by and I value the relationship I have with my family so dearly.


Sheryl said...

YAY! Loved reading more about you cutie pie!! You have marvelous families that surround you,and you are creating one of your very own!!

Shalece said...

That was fun reading about you :) I can proudly say I pretty much knew all that about you :) We are glad to live close by family too. What a blessing. Anyways glad you are back and we'll see you soon!

Stina said...

I am so glad to hear what you said about not being crafty--it's something we have in common and I've always felt guilty about. Can you imagine my shock when I was called to be Enrichment Counselor in my ward? :) Also, the red thing makes so much sense now. I don't like animals either! And, wish you were closer so we could be work out addict/buddies!

Caroline Haring said...

Glad you're back - hope you had fun! I was not so hot on animals either but broke down and got my husband a dog for his birthday after he begged for over a year. Over time the smelly, dirty, slobbery, shedding dog turned into a cute, fuzzy, adorable companion I love. So, there's hope...

Emily said...

I also love reading your posts and your slideshow did not load for me! but, I am glad you have the philiosophy about animals. The day I found out I was allergic to cats made me a very happy woman!

DeAnne said...

Thanks for playing! I'm totally with you on the animal thing, but I can't even stand to let the boys have a dog ever!