Our two boys are such fun ages right now that we are excited for a summer full of fun. To kick off the fun we did a little one night camp out at a local campsite. Although we didn't get much sleep because it was really winding that night and the wind kept Hunter up, we still had fun and hope to do it often this summer.
Lucky 13
7 months ago
Love your little family! I love to see how fabulous you are as parents, and how you are enjoying every minute of the adventure! Keep up the fabulous work. Moms of boys work from "son up , to son down"
I miss California already. Glad you guys had fun! I can't wait for us to go camping!!
How fun! I can't wait to go camping myself. So many fun memories!
How fun are you!? I think that if camping kept one of my boys up most of the night I'd call it quits.
I love it! Hunter's hair is so short now!
How fun... I really want to do this with our kids when they get to that fun stage! and Colorado has TONS of camping places.
Your family is so cute! I am glad your so happy and camping is the best :)
You got an early jump on things. Camping is fun. Your boys are going to have great memories.
Looks like so much fun! I have been camping when it has been really windy too... no fun. Looks like you guys have a fun summer ahead!
It's pictures like those that make Greg and I wish we lived in Cali. We have freezing weather still! Greg and I took Camden to the park sunday at we all had sweats and hoodies on. Cali looks good. I'm glad you guys are preparing for a great summer full of fun!
Looks like fun, I can't wait to go camping!
Was that camp Bluejay;)
How fun! Can't wait for the family camping trip. Yeah for little boys.
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