Thursday, August 13, 2009


Trevor started Kinder garden.
He was so excited!!
(There are a lot of pictures because hey you only start school once)He is so cute!!!
What a ham.
He picked out a Transformers backpack.
Kinder garden here I come!!!
Finally at the school.
My sister Deena was nice enough to watch/distract Hunter for me on the first day of school so I could give Trevor all of my attention, but on the second day of school when I dropped Trevor off Hunter cried the whole way home saying, "I want my Trevor!"

You are one great kid Trevor, Hunter and I will miss you while you are at school. We LOVE you.


Emily said...

Oh my goodness Jaime...he is so freaking cute in these photos!! I just love how the backpack makes him look so small because it is sooo BIG.

Sheryl said...

So cute! He is such a fun boy, and gettin so big momma! Enjoy!

Emily Widdison said...

Isaac is so excited to start kindergarten too! What cute pics. Hey, are you going to Sarah's wedding in Nov? I will probably be there too! I"m soooo excited to see you and your sweet fam. It has been too long!

Stina said...

Jordyn saw the picture and said, "Hey! That's Trevor! Where's Hunter?" Glad you survived Day One. Hopefully Hunty will adjust okay!